Aleshin L.I.




High schools of culture and arts Ц synthesis humanitarian, historical, art criticism, welfare, representational, theatrical, musical, choreographic, information, including library, and other special sciences. "Russica" from the point of view of alive tongue widely cultivated(widely incubated) in the people of customs and purely national creativity has found прибежище and development in these "islands" of the Russian culture. Now in Russia there are 18 high schools of culture and arts. The perfecting of the forms(shapes) of training in higher educational establishments is connected and to availability of own sites. At support of fund the With Ц dew realised the program of creation of such sites at 33 university of Russia. There is it possible(probable) in high schools of culture both arts. The information exchange and training of the students with the help of terrestrial networks will be realised on several directions. The majority of high schools of culture and the arts have e-mail addresses. The main(basic) exchange of the information with the domestic and foreign specialists implement(execute) in this mode. The own site steadily works only at the Moscow State University of Culture and Aarts (MSUCA). In this connection training and broad usage the Internet for the called high schools remains rather problematic. As a rule, only in separate cases he(it) is possible incidentally manages by classes the Internet available for other high schools and universities of their locales.

Any tongue, including Russian, as a means of dialogue and the object of analysis traditionally was a subject of researches of the philologists, linguists and other specialists, which one in the greater degree were worn idealized nature by(with) they are poorly known not only foreign specialists, but also broad domestic sociability. In this sense invokes(produces) concern such Russian phenomenon, as high schools of culture and arts. They represent synthesis humanitarian, historical, art criticism, welfare, representational, theatrical, musical, choreographic, information, including library and other special sciences.

The harmonic combination practically of all kinds(views) of art, affiliation in one place of a significant amount of educational disciplines taught by the highly qualified specialists, allows to form(create) specific atmosphere generating special cultural medium. The teachers communicate among themselves, with the employees, students, local residents, among which one there are individuals engaging different kinds(views) of art and culture, and also working in these orbs. Such contact and interpenetration of different cultures of the peoples of Russian Federation, different kinds(views) of arts is figuratively possible to call as "islands" of culture. These "islands" are not insulated from company, and to the contrary, Ц are widely open for all. Relevantly to mark and well-known feature of the Russian culture Ц to imbibe diverse, for example, English, German, French etc. cultures.

The quoters of the called high schools "bear culture and art in weights", that is in itself important and it is useful. They act in miscellaneous angles of country, on the most different platforms (in scout camps, boarding houses, rest houses, on firms, sporting and cultural measures, in деревн¤х, settlements, cities etc.).

The culture massed not only in speech, but also costumes(suits), musical tools, products, allows to save and to develop national traditions. All this is necessary and it is useful not only Russians, but also introduces considerable concern for the quoters of the miscellaneous peoples of our planet.

One of them study tongue and customs. They would like more close to acquaint with alive tongue, features, by traditions of his(its) carriers(launchers) etc. Other simplly like some national features of Russian culture. Third are выходцами from Russia and aim to not break off(break) communication(connection) with a historical native land, want to support friendly attitudes(relations) with the countrymans.

Thus, it is possible to speak, that "Russica" from the point of view of alive tongue widely cultivated(widely incubated) in the people of customs and purely national creativity has found прибежище and development in these "islands" of the Russian culture.

Now in Russia there are 18 high schools of culture and arts (their list and the properties are adduced in the appendix). The part from them last years has received the status of academies and universities. For example, Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (MSUCA). The profile training in the main(basic) humanitarian disciplines generates formation in high school (campus) of environment from the specialists and faculty in the greater degree of humanitarian warehouse(storage). It handicaps an intrusion of new information technologies in educational process and activity of the conforming services, for example, administration, of libraries etc. the financial problem Is added also general enough(common enough), but not identical for разнопрофильных, branch high schools.

The successful activity of high schools on training of the highly professional specialists can not implement without operating exchange of the information, which one, in turn, nowadays effectively provide means compunications (computerization and telecommunication), specially Internet. Thus two basic constituents of exchange of the electronic documents will be used:

1) Looking up by the teachers, employees, post-graduate students and students of the interesting data in networks(grids) the Internet;

2) Granting by all interested, including indirect, users of own information resources generated by the forces or with the help of specialized organizations.

For fulfilment of this relevant mission high schools of culture and the arts are unsufficiently equipped with computer equipment and indispensable communications. In them still there are not enough of specialists well possessing computer and network technologies. From here also there is their backlog(lag) in problems of automation of library processes, organization Intranet and Internet of networks. Therefore such actual directions of a higher school, as perfecting of educational process and his(its) informatization realise, mainly, in technical university of Russia.

The foundation to their creation are внутривузовские computer networks such as Intranet. Adaptive, developed and dilated, they allow most simplly and effectively to organize series and installment informatization of formation, including in liberal arts colleges.

The perfecting of the forms(shapes) of training in higher educational establishments is connected and to creation of own sites. At support of fund Soros the program of creation of such sites at 33 university of Russia realised. Many high schools independently execute similar activities. Begins possible(probable) to organize sites and in high schools of culture and art. Thus the detection of key orbs is of interest, these educational institutions, for organization in each of them of an own site specialize in which one, where will be as much as possible submitted(as much as possible shown) to the information on achievements of high schools of culture and arts. Theme jack houses, integrated in a virtual network of these high schools, represent distributed problem-oriented bases and data banks. In modern conditions it can be unique a possible(probable) way of the solution of the given problem. Moreover, similar corporate information net (квазисеть) of high schools of culture and art can be simplly enough realised, under condition of affiliation of available intellectual resources of the employees and faculty of these high schools.

The creation of a branch system allows not only to execute the called activities, but also affords(grants) a capability to conduct virtual joint scientific researches, conference, teleconference etc., not tearing off(lifting off) the specialists from workstations. With its(her) help it is possible to implement(execute) exchange of experience with the domestic and foreign specialists in different fields of knowledge for the solution of put problems.

Let's remark, however, not detracting capabilities of modern means of informatization of company, the personal contacts also are rather indispensable. In modern conditions of poor financing they rather limited, and therefore dialogue of the professionals should be high-performance.

The definite concern introduces activity of these high schools to the Internet. She, as well as for other high schools of country, consists of several directions, sequentially or in bridge sold by high school:

- hooking up to a E-Mail for operating exchange of the information of a different kind;

- creation of the home-pages;

- exhibiting them on a site of the provider or other amicable organization, for example, library, information centre etc.;

- formation of the information about high school, his(its) activity, faculties and stands, conditions of receipt(entry) and training, conferences, seminars and diverse measures;

- creation of an own Web-site;

- exhibiting on a site bibliographic, фактографической and full-text information.

It is necessary to mark, that the majority of high schools of culture and the arts have e-mail addresses (see appendix). The main(basic) exchange of the information with the domestic and foreign specialists implement(execute) in this mode. So, during several last years the formation of the accumulator cell of the theses of international library conferences spent MSUCA, implements all in the greater degree with the help of a E-Mail. The stuffs from many domestic and foreign specialists come on her in our high school. The electronic version of the theses of five conferences on CD-ROM makes dispositions.

As to own sites, steadily today works only MSUCA, having the professional specialists in the given area. This site began was built on means of university. Since 1999 he operates on the switched phone line. His(its) address: The unit of electronic pages about different divisions(subdivisions) of high school, including stands Library-Informations of faculty is now reshaped. However and he is not yet off-the shelf to application the Internet in educational process, mainly, because of poor financing which is not permitting to organize and to pay discharged(secured) high-velocity communication circuits.

In this connection training and wide area usage the Internet for these high schools remains rather problematic. On occassion he(it) is possible incidentally manages by classes the Internet available for other high schools and universities of their locales.

As an example we shall put(cause) some pages MSUCA on his(its) site.


The appendix

E-mail addresses of high schools of culture and art:

1. Altay state institute of culture and arts -

2. Dagestan гос. University. Library faculty -

3. Chelyabinsk state institute of arts and culture

4. Kazan state university of culture and arts -

5. Kemerovo state institute of arts and culture Ц

6. Khabarovsk state institute of culture and arts Ц

7. Krasnodar state university of culture and arts Ц,

8. Moscow state university of culture and arts -

9. Omsk branch of the Altay state institute of arts and culture

10. Oryol state institute of arts and culture

11. Perm state institute of culture and arts -

12. Ryazan correspondence institute (branch MSUCA) Ц

13. Samara state academy of culture and arts -

14. St.-Petersburg state university of culture and arts Ц

15. Tambov гос. University. Ѕиблиотечно-information faculty Ц

16. Tyumen state institute of arts and culture

17. Volgograd гос. University -

18. ¬осточносибирска¤ state academy of culture and arts Ц,

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